Tuesday, May 24, 2011

backing up a little bit

Ting arrived on Saturday May 7.  She got off the plane dehydrated, hungry, overwhelmed and disoriented.  We drove home with a trash bag in her lap in case she was sick.  She looked a little better after a shower and she desperatly needed to eat something.  My first decision as a mother was Chinese food--she needed something comforting that her body would accept and not make her sick.  We spent the latter part of the meal explaining fortune cookies to the Chinese kid.  Her sleep patterns were, of course, distrupted and for several days she was up all night or sleeping at night but awake by 3am. 

When I woke up Sunday morning I was amazed that she was still there.  I had a dream in which I was dreaming that Ting had arrived--a whole "dream that covered the last two years" kind of dream.  First thing Sunady she emtpied her purse and presented a hand full of coins: what is this?  Our first lesson was pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters.  I was quite pleased with myself to recognize that she would not know what our coins looked like.

My confidence quickly dissapated.  It would be two weeks before I realized she didn't know 911.

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